Some organizations choose to let us solve administrative issues such as membership registers and membership fees.
We have complete systems that in most cases can unburden your administration. We do this at cost price as a service for the organizations we cooperate with in other areas.
Membership administration
We can reduce costs by taking over routines for administrative systems and services, as well as the production and distribution of materials to members.
Membership register
For small and medium-sized organizations we offer a web-based membership register. Through the AGA system (Adekvat Group Administration), the organization gets a flexible and user-friendly tool for managing member related matters. The system also offers opportunities for interaction with financial systems or outsourcing of invoicing services.
Member routines
We are at hand if a partner is needed for routine communication or individual action with arbitrators. We can also undertake membership services such as static surveys.
Invoicing service
Invoicing service for organizations, which means that we, for example, invoice membership and service fees. We have many years of experience of invoicing services and joint invoicing of various products and services. Of course, we also offer support to provide organizations with reports and accounting documents in various formats. Our invoicing service is offered at a competitive price as we have infrastructure and synergies via joint invoicing of other services and products.